nuclear munitions

NEO – Has the US Nuked Syria? | Veterans Today

Testing next generation energetic materials?

Gordon Duff, VT Sr. Editor, October 28, 2014

A massive explosion outside Kobani, the Syrian/Kurdish border town under attack by ISIL/ISIS publicly and to a less public extent, by the Turkish army as well.

Nuclear physicist, Jeff Smith, former IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) investigator and Science Editor for Veterans Today has been examining photographic evidence but is calling for more:

“Someone needs to develop and sell a simple fallout chemical test strip that changes color indicating type of radioactive materials being present in the soil. It would be a big seller. Similar to the chemical weapons test strips.”

Smith spent years investigating nuclear material smuggling and was part of the team that investigated 9/11; helping prepare the 2003 Department of Energy Report on 9/11 leaked by Edward Snowden thus summer.

via NEO – Has the US Nuked Syria? | Veterans Today.