
Hitlary Clinton’s email firm Platte River Networks was run from a loft in Denver | Daily Mail Online

Home to the home-brew server: This is the apartment complex where Platte River Networks was based until this year. It used a residential apartment as its base
By Hugo Daniel In Denver, Colorado, For Published: 23:12 EST, 18 August 2015

The IT company Hitlary Clinton chose to maintain her private email account was run from a loft apartment and its servers were housed in the bathroom closet, Daily Mail Online can reveal. Daily Mail Online tracked down ex-employees of Platte River Networks in Denver, Colorado, who revealed the outfit s strong links to the Democratic Party but expressed shock that the 2016 presidential candidate chose the small private company for such a sensitive job. One, Tera Dadiotis, called it a mom and pop shop which was an excellent place to work, but hardly seemed likely to be used to secure state secrets. And Tom Welch, who helped found the company, CONFIRMed the servers were in a bathroom closet. It can also be disclosed that the small number of employees who were aware of the Clinton contract were told to keep it secret. The way in which Clinton came to contract a company described as a mom and pop operation remains unclear. However Daily Mail Online has established a series of connections between the firm and the Democratic Party. Scroll down for video Home to the home-brew server: This is the apartment complex where Platte River Networks was based until this year. It used a residential apartment as its base Home to the home-brew server: This is the apartment complex where Platte River Networks was based until this year. It used a residential apartment as its base Mom and pop : Platte River Networks was housed in this apartment. The servers were in a closet off the bathroom, former employees tell Daily Mail Online Mom and pop : Platte River Networks was housed in this apartment. The servers were in a closet off the bathroom, former employees tell Daily Mail Online Rising tally: A report suggests State Department Investigators have already found 60 emails sent from Hillary Clinton s private server with classified information on them. She is pictured at the Iowa State Fair Rising tally: A report suggests State Department Investigators have already found 60 emails sent from Hillary Clinton s private server with classified information on them. She is pictured at the Iowa State Fair Platte River Networks worked for Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper – once heavily tipped to be Clinton s 2016 running mate – during his election to be mayor of the city in 2003 The company s controversial vice president of sales David DeCamillis is also said to be a big Democrat supporter who offered his house to Joe Biden for the party s convention held in Denver in 2008. It will be the small scale of the firm and its own home-made arrangements which will raise the most significant questions over security and over what checks Clinton s aides made about how suitable it was for dealing with what new transpires to be classified material. Daily Mail Online spoke to former employees of the firm, including Tera Dadiotis, who was a customer relations consultant between 2007 and 2010. Describing it as a great place to work, but kind of like a mom and pop shop , Tera reacted with disbelief that her former company was hired to manage the email system of Democratic juggernaut Hilary Clinton. Speaking to Daily Mail Online at her home in Castle Rock, Colorado, Tera said: I think it s really bizarre, I don t know how that relationship evolved. At the time I worked for them they wouldn t have been equipped to work for Hilary Clinton because I don t think they had the resources, they were based out of a loft, so it was not very high security, we didn t even have an alarm.

via Hillary Clinton s email firm Platte River Networks was run from a loft in Denver | Daily Mail Online.

Hillary Clinton Now Under Criminal Investigation by FBI and Department of Justice

The Democratic Party’s ‘shoe-in’ for President in 2016 could actually be in serious trouble now. It appears that Hillary Clinton is now myred in what could potentially be multiple criminal investigations into top-secret classified documents which she had erased from her private Clinton Foundation home-based email server.

Will this latest Clinton scandal accelerate to ultimately derail her presidential bid?

The scandal doesn’t stop there. Clinton’s former right hand confidant and chief aid Huma Abedin is now also a focus the federal investigation into the Clinton Affair. New revelations reveal that Abedin also had an account on Hillary’s infamous ‘home server’ and that Abedin had also received sensitive state information into an external ‘unsecured’ computer network via her account with Clinton. Abedin is likely to face a congressional committee about the emails and also her expenses and payments while Clinton was Secretary of State.

According to Politico, “Abedin had been granted “special government employee” status, allowing her to work both for Clinton and the private sector — and it’s unclear if she continued using the server that appears to have held classified information following her departure from her full-time State gig.”

More from inside Washington DC…

via Hillary Clinton Now Under Criminal Investigation by FBI and Department of Justice.