Blu Eye

Police Infuriated About New “Cop Detecting” Device That Warns People When a Cop is Near
targetblueyeA powerful new device has hit the market that promises to warn drivers of nearby emergency vehicles, including police cars, fire trucks and ambulances. The device is called “Target Blu Eye” and is being sold by the Dutch Company “Target Automotive.

The Blu Eye system works by monitoring frequencies that are used by emergency vehicles and then alerts the driver when those frequencies are nearby. It does not allow the driver to listen in on the encrypted communications, but will simply give a signal when those frequencies are nearby.

This is far more advanced and accurate than a traditional radar detector, because this device works even when the officer has their radar and other equipment turned off.

Police representatives and mainstream media sources are not pleased that this device is on the market, because it will give oppressed drivers an edge on police who depend on the element of surprise to generate their revenue.

via Police Infuriated About New “Cop Detecting” Device That Warns People When a Cop is Near | The Free Thought Project.