4/20/2015 — FIVE NEW HAARP type arrays being built! Norway Shutting down FM Radio — THE REAL REASON why | Dutchsinse

Norway is shutting off FM radio transmissions by 2017?

I never believe the “official” reason for anything like this. There is much more to the story than you’re being told.

Officially, the powers that be would have you believe FM is being done away with because digital is much cheaper to operate, and offers more options. Technically, this might be true, however the real reason FM is being shut off is much deeper than meets the eye.

Norway isn’t just “shutting off” FM becasue Digital radio is “better”. Norway is freeing up FM bands for OTHER uses coming soon, for sure the FM band won’t stay silent very long!

FM falls within the VHF (Very High Frequency) band. Norway is the location of EISCAT , the European VHF version of HAARP.

Worthy to note, as of January 2015, Norway is moving ahead with EISCAT 3D. To be completed by 2017. They are building FIVE DIFFERENT versions of a HAARP type array to work together with each other in conjuction using the VHF band!

via 4/20/2015 — FIVE NEW HAARP type arrays being built! Norway Shutting down FM Radio — THE REAL REASON why | Dutchsinse.

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